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Friday, April 20, 2012

My parents have recently relocated here from the good ol State of Kentucky.  And believe it or not they purchased their house on Kentucky Derby Drive.  Go figure.  Most of my love for old things comes from my mother.  She can take the oldest ugliest thing and make it look like a treasure.  I like to think I inherited some of that.  She recently purchased a very old cabinet in pretty bad shape.  She loved it.  Now for her and I it looks good the way it is, but my father on the other hand thinks it is Junk.  Word of the day.  Remember it.  Junk is great!   One of the doors on top was broken and I removed it.  It looks great without the top doors.  The back side panel is coming off.  I am taking the cabinet and bringing it here to Tweak it a bit.  She would like it in her kitchen.  So that will be the next project.  Pics will come this weekend,  as soon as I have moved it.  I love it and wish I had found it first.  So stay tuned, lets see how I can transform it to meet my fathers satisfaction.  Hmmmm no easy task there.  Good thing he knows us.

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